Update from Casey | Adventure Travel Trade Association
Dear ATTA Community,
As 2023 begins, I hope you, like me, are imagining the possibilities ahead for each and every one of us. You may have already noticed, or will soon, ATTA’s CEO Shannon Stowell is ready to take this year on with renewed vigor and energy.
As Shannon continues as a full time and fully engaged CEO of ATTA, leadership made the decision to eliminate my position as President. While this may be heart breaking news for many, I want to assure all of you I will always be connected to this community. For the past 10 years, you and adventure travel have been my passion and my guiding light for so many areas of my life.
Every organization must change and evolve to remain relevant and resilient. I am proud of the work I was able to accomplish at ATTA and how as a team we have truly helped lead the conversation on what it means to create a sustainable adventure travel industry where the benefits far outweigh possible negative impacts. There is still so much more to do, but I am confident ATTA will continue to lead the way with your support and the existing leadership team at the helm.
For now, I am taking the time I need to look at the many exciting options ahead of me. Maybe I will coach and consult, maybe I will write a book, for sure I will continue my research into leadership best practices, particularly in areas within the tourism industry where women are underrepresented.
Please know that I have been inspired by you as a community and count many of you as close friends. That will not change, and I hope you will not hesitate to reach out and keep in touch. Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn as I will certainly provide updates there along the way.
There are exciting times ahead for all of us as tourism rebuilds (hopefully for the better) and I am proud to have experienced firsthand the power of the ATTA community and its ability to influence change for the better.